David Aronchick

David Aronchick

CEO, Expanso and Kubeflow Co-Founder

12:40 pm
1:00 pm

Universal AI: How to Deploy and Run Your GenAI Training and Inference Where Your Data Is

This talk explores how Bacalhau and Expanso enable decentralized AI across diverse infrastructures, with the launch of a new Activeloop integration to drive innovation in healthcare, finance, and edge computing.

David is the CEO of Expanso, a software company building upon their open-source project Bacalhau, offering a unique platform for fast, affordable, and secure computation. He previously lead Research Development at Protocol Labs, helping, deploying and organizing their community building the next generation of the Internet. Prior to that, David led Open Source Machine Learning Strategy at Azure, product management for Kubernetes on behalf of Google, launched Google Kubernetes Engine, and co-founded the Kubeflow project and the SAME project. He has also worked at Microsoft, Amazon and Chef and co-founded three startups. When not spending too much time in service of electrons, he can be found on a mountain (on skis), traveling the world (via restaurants) or participating in kid activities.